Eastern Neuigkeiten
We’re focusing on what matters most: YOU.
November 16, 2018

Why did we rebrand? To better express who we are — and why we do what we do.
If you’ve ever been through a rebranding, you know that it can be exciting, energizing, and even a little mind-boggling. Yes, you get to work on creating a whole new look for the company, but that’s not really the most important point.
What we’ve enjoyed most about the process of rebranding is focusing on who we serve, how we do it, and why we come to work every day. We always knew the answers — sort of — but we had never taken as much time to put those answers into just the right words, or to illustrate how Eastern should visually represent what we’re all about.
Now we've taken the time to get it just right. That means we took a long look in the mirror, had in-depth discussions with our leadership, our team members, and listened to the candid feedback from our incredibly gracious customers.
And here’s what we discovered: Eastern employees love their work. They genuinely enjoy caring for our customers and providing peace of mind. And our customers seem to like talking with them too, whether it’s about tracking shipments and navigating customs, or just about life in general!
It’s clear—we’re happy when we make our customers happy. And that means keeping our customers fully informed with accurate, timely information.
That’s why we’ve decided that nothing captures our personality and our promise better than these two simple words: “Easy going.”
We hope you agree. We want every shipping journey to be just that: easy going for your cargo, easy going for you.